SculpSure Body Contouring Treatments
Safely and effectively eliminate unwanted fat cells in just 25 minutes per treatment with our revolutionary SculpSure technology. We provide patients with non-invasive body contouring that permanently reduces stubborn fat without surgery or downtime!
SculpSure is the world’s first FDA-cleared laser device for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs and submental area.
How SculpSure Works
The 1060nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows SculpSure to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat in just 25 minutes per treatment. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks and optimal results usually seen in as few as 12 weeks.
- Minimal absorption in the dermis leaves the skin’s surface unharmed
- Advanced Contact Coolingâ„¢ enhances patient comfort
- Feathering of heat spread provides natural-looking results
- Mild and transient side effects
Benefits of SculpSure
- Fast, 25-minute treatment per area
- Versatile applicators to fit a variety of body shapes and sizes
How Long Will Results From SculpSure Last?
The treated fat cells are permanently destroyed and will not regenerate. SculpSure is intended for patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle, yet experience stubborn fat in treatable areas, such as the flanks, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, back, and under the chin. As long as significant weight gain is not experienced, our patients can maintain their SculpSure results.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
Most patients require a series of treatments to achieve the results they desire. Results can be seen at six weeks after treatment, with optimal results typically seen at 12 weeks.