Anyone who has previously been infected with the disease commonly known as chickenpox is susceptible to shingles. Although it is generally associated with people of a relatively advanced age, individuals with one or more immune deficiency disorders also face an escalated risk of developing shingles.
Identifying the Signs of Shingles
While some patients with shingles exhibit only a mild rash or no rash at all, shingles generally presents itself as a highly painful rash consisting of many fluid-filled blisters. This rash is concentrated on the back and chest regions but typically affects one side of the body alone.
Acting on the nerves in certain affected areas, shingles commonly causes pain that patients have described as “shooting” or “burning.” The skin may also itch or feel numb. Other symptoms of shingles might include fever, body aches, headache, and fatigue. Although it isn’t life-threatening and its symptoms generally disappear within three or four weeks, shingles can be extremely painful and make it impossible to carry out normal life activities.
How Shingles Relates to Chickenpox
Both chickenpox and shingles are caused by varicella-zoster, a virus in the herpes family. When people get this virus, it remains within them indefinitely. This means that even small children who contract varicella-zoster keep this virus in their bodies after the symptoms of chickenpox have subsided. After lying dormant within nerve tissue for years or decades, varicella-zoster can reactivate as shingles.
This reactivation typically occurs when the body’s natural immune response is compromised for some reason. Therefore, many people experience shingles during or directly after periods of significant stress or illness.
Treat Your Shingles With the Help of Nita Patel, MD
Although there is no cure for shingles, its symptoms can be effectively treated with the appropriate analgesics and antiviral medications.
Dr. Nita Patel is a highly skilled dermatologist in Marina Del Rey, CA, offering a wide range of medical and cosmetic services to help individuals address and treat various skin concerns and conditions, including shingles.
To learn more about shingles or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel, call 310 577 7544 or fill out a brief contact form online.